Since we have moved into the new place, Ro and I are enjoying the fact that we can get into our little shared office with ease, of an evening. Previously we shared an office with Tia, who was trying to sleep in there at night (obviously), so we couldn't really make a lot of noise, let alone speak to each other much. Now we get in there and get stuff done - turning to ask each other's opinion from time to time, and generally enjoying the productivity of it all. I honestly don't know how we managed before.

I am starting to get a bit excited about going to print next week. Although it tends to be a little chaotic at this stage of production, it's also great being able to see how pretty the pages look all laid out. The fashion shoot was last weekend, so the middle 8 pages look fantastic right now, so it's hard not to get excited. (Check out some of the teaser shots on Ro's and Steph's blogs.) I can't wait to see our baby in print. Here's hoping we can finalise everything in time.
