I have been watching this classic mini-series with Laney and as a mum I think I even appreciate the little red-headed girl even more than I did when I was a little girl myself. She is feisty and sticks up for herself, is honest, imaginative and clever. I just love it. The characters are just so good, and I love the idea of having many "kindred spirits" come into your life.

OK, so I also had a thing for Gilbert.

This is just before she breaks her slate over Gilberts head, I think. Love that bit!

I have been taking photos lately, so that I can show you all what I have been doing, without having to write much. I much prefer saying it with pictures. (Thanks to Pete for some of the family shots.)

We bought Laney new bathers recently, so we had to model them. Here's serious....

Here is excited...
We've done a bit of drawing...


Catching up with family for important celebrations....

The happy couple talked about wedding plans...
We enjoyed the weather...
by having bbq's, and eating sausages in bread...

and now the restrictions have loosened, even watered the garden with a (shock, horror) hose!
Look at the gorgeous rewards Ro's hard work in reaping...

I have even been experimenting in preparation for the silly season...

My blanket will be ready, just in time for Summer. Oh well.

Man, it is hard to be disciplined when you go down to the beach for a break. The beer and fish 'n' chips were calling to me. I was very well behaved considering the temptations around me, and have still managed to maintain the 4 kilo weightloss that I have achieved so far on this new regime. But I certainly didn't lose any weight while we were down there.

Had a wonderful time playing in the sand with the girls in Apollo Bay, where we stayed for just two nights. Just what the doctor ordered for all of us. We couldn't get the smile off Helena's face. (Not that you would want to really.)

Am getting around as much as possible by foot and by my fabulous old Malvern Star. (Love my new basket. It fits quite a bit in there.) Let's hope the weight keeps coming off.

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine as much as me.