Why can't I focus on the jobs that really need doing, and just get to it? I have a list as long as my arm of things to do, but can't seem to tick anything off. It doesn't help when people don't call me back, and aren't available when I call them, my printer just won't communicate the way I want it to, and it's too wet and cold here for my washing to dry. I have child-free time, and instead of achieving anything, I am finding myself reading blogs, which is not very productive at all. Oh well, I had better get back to it. Focus Kim, Focus!
I really enjoyed this weekend. At one stage I was sitting toasty on the couch, blanket across my knee with my crochet hook working, the heater next to me keeping me warm , watching the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice... oh Mr Darcy! What more could a girl want? The girls and I had a walk and a play at the park. Loving those Autumn leaves! And if I block out all the housework I had to catch up on, and a small row I had with Ro then really it has been perfect. Here's to remembering the fun times!
I recently took part in my first crafty blog swap, which was from Kate's blog. The pincushion swap. It was fun to have a new project, but as soon as it approached the deadline, when it had to be in the post, I was frantically trying to make it look pretty, as I left it to the last minute, because my original plan didn't work out as I hoped. So I dropped it in the post on the cut-off day, (when family was visiting for the day and I was distracted), and posted it without any nice note or anything, and felt self-conscious about the standard of it. (In my haste I didn't get a picture to show you, so you will have to just imagine it.)
We have a new website for Thaw, and it is also a new blog. Please check it out, and change any links you might have to our current blog to