This week - oh dear, what a week! Recently Ro and I celebrated our wedding anniversary, but we didn't do anything special, so we decided to do something this weekend.  We had big plans - a romantic getaway to Dunkeld, with a booking at the restaurant for a 10 course degustation at the lovely Royal Mail Hotel - for Friday night.  The kids were all excited about staying at Pa's and we were excited about the idea of peace and quiet, gorgeous food, a sleep in and room service breaky in bed. Doesn't that sound delightful! Well....... who decides to break his foot the night before? Ro. That's who.  So what's the sensible plan? Cancel plans. Do I sound bitter? Ok, so I was a little disappointed.  But then, I really am over it now.  Really I hoo...

Good news - Ro is doing OK now. There's nothing like a little wine to cure what ails ya. 

The funniest part of this whole thing is that the next day, when Ro came home from the Doc's, hobbling around on crutches, our little dog Peggy decided she had an injury too.  All day she walked around on three legs, with her fourth in the air, never touching the ground. We actually thought that she had an injury, until we realised it happened the moment she saw Ro on his crutches. She wouldn't even jump up on the couch for a cuddle, we had to lift her up.  Otherwise she would have to put weight on her back leg - ouch! Hehee. She miraculously came good the next day. Thank goodness.

Kim x


Beck said...

What a ham Peggy is! I'm loving that her name is Peggy too, it adds even more to the story. Peg Leg Pete comes to mind. Anyway, sorry to hear about Ro, but also sorry to hear that your romantic adventure is on hold. What they heck was he thinking? Doing? Hope it mends quickly and you are zooming down the highway to Love City asap xo

Kim said...

Thanks Beck x